Elections and Voting

The City of Little Falls holds regular municipal elections on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even numbered year. The City does not have a primary election.

The City of Little Falls has three (3) Wards/Precincts and the boundaries were changed due to redistricting in March 2022. To view Wards, follow this link.

There are two councilmember representing each Ward, one councilmember at large, and the Mayor, who is also at large. A total of eight City Council members serve our community.

  • Mayor Greg Zylka
  • At Large Councilmember David Glaze
  • Councilmembers Ward One Leif Hanson and Raquel Lundberg
  • Councilmembers Ward Two Wayne Liljegren and Gerald (Jerry) Knafla
  • Councilmembers Ward Three David C. Meyer and Frank Gosiak

The Minnesota Secretary of State's website has information on:

You may also call toll free at (877) 600-VOTE [8683].

For voting purposes, the City is divided into three Wards. To find out where you vote, please click this link.