Utility Billing

Your City utility bill includes: water, sewer, garbage, recycling, storm water, and the State drinking water fee. Utility bills are sent out on or about the 10th of each month and are due and payable on the 25th of each month. Utility bills paid after the 10th will be assessed a 10% late fee of the current bill.

The City offers several ways to pay your bill. Please see options below.

Online Bill Pay

Online payments are available for your convenience. You can access through the payment portal directly at https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/littlefallsmn/utilities. You’ll be able to create an account or utilize the quick pay option. Additional fees do apply for use of this service.

Auto Pay / ACH Services

This is a free service to have your utility bill deducted from your bank account automatically each month on the due date. ACH forms are available for download by clicking HERE, physical copies can be obtained at City Hall, or call 320-616-5500 and we can mail/email you one.

Payment Drop Boxes

Utility payment drop boxes for your convenience are located at:

o City Hall Parking Lot – 100 7th Ave NE

o Coborn’s Super Store – 1101 2nd AVE NE

o Casey’s General Store - 500 West Broadway

o Morrison County Government Center – Corner of 2nd ST SE & Broadway



The City is able to take credit/debit card payments over the phone (320) 616-5500. There will be a 2.25% service charge for this payment option. This charge is what the City is billed by the company per credit/debit charge transaction.

In Person

Residents may pay in person at City Hall, 100 NE 7th Avenue, with cash, check or credit/debit card.

Other Services available to you at no charge

Paperless Billing – Receive your monthly bill via email instead of regular mail. If you’d like to sign up for this option, please send an email to info@cityoflittlefalls.com stating you’d like to sign up for paperless billing, including your service address and phone number. You’ll receive an email confirming receipt of your request.

Statement Billing – If you have multiple properties you can combine them into one easy to read statement. Please contact Kelly at City Hall 320-616-5500 to set up. 

Just want to pay your utility bill?

pay online button

As a Little Falls resident, you can pay your water, sewer, stormwater, garbage and recycling bill online. Click here to pay a bill.

Utility Bill Question? Please Contact:

Kelly Leidenfrost, Senior Utility Billing Clerk

Telephone: (320) 616-5500

Fax: (320) 616-5505

Email: kellyl@ci.little-falls.mn.us

Local Non-City Utilities

The following utility companies provide services to Little Falls residents:

Electric Minnesota Power

(800) 228-4966 | Website 

Natural Gas CenterPoint Energy

(800) 245-2377 | Website